The Big Multi-Faith Picnic – Thursday 14th September 2017

Join our Multi-Faith Family Picnic at College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR, from 4pm to 6pm. Bring some food and a rug – and let’s hope for sunshine!

This is an opportunity for people from different communities to get together to share experiences and join in activities such as singing, music-making and poetry readings.

(Activities between 4pm and 5pm.) If you or your children would like to either organise or take part in an activity please contact us:

Contact Lily Khandker, Bristol Multi-Faith Forum Development Worker: or call 07789 040267

For more information see our poster here.

Our most up to date e-bulletin: Tuesday 8th August 2017

We publish regular e-bulletins – with information on events, resources and funding. Read our latest edition, published on Tuesday 8th August 2017. Please contact us with any news or information that you would like to have included in future editions. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in being added to our email list.

Send any event information to me at

Read the e-bulletin here