Time sensitive items

Volunteer for Multi Faith Support at Court

Multi Faith Support was set up at the Bristol Civil and Family Justice Centre in response to a request from a High Court Judge. Attending court can be an extremely stressful experience and Multi Faith Support seeks to provide emotional or spiritual support to all who pass through its doors. This initiative has the full backing of the judges at the court and the court staff. They need more volunteers. The service is free, independent and confidential. MFS provides:

Support: offering hope; encouragement; compassion; listening; sitting and waiting with people; sometimes accompanying people into court. This does not include counselling or any form of advice, nor require follow up contact.

Space: There is a ‘Quiet Room’ offering peace, quiet, calm, for all faiths and none; a space for reflection or prayer; space for religious observance.

Sign Posting: giving information to link people to the faith communities or other support agencies for further support outside of the court.

Volunteers are present in the waiting areas, a friendly face, available to listen and offer caring support to anyone who needs it. As a multi faith organisation they cater for all people, of all faiths and none. As a volunteer you would join a rota which would fit with your availability.  Some volunteers can offer a morning or afternoon each week, some offer specific times each month. For more information please email mfsbristol@gmx.co.uk. Otherwise see: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UUeqr-BKtOrfkWYZqCMiBt7JLBWWRCC_/view

YMCA Bristol Hostel Appeal 

YMCA Bath Group is raising money to create safe accommodation for homeless young people in Bristol. The organisers believe that every young person should have a safe place to stay. In Bristol, more and more young people do not have this. They are converting the Old Police Headquarters on Bridewell Street in Bristol city centre into a hostel that will provide accommodation for 72 young people each year. As government finances come under pressure, young people are finding it harder and harder to find safe accommodation when they are in crisis. Once built, our hostel will be entirely self-funding through commercial accommodation in the same building. Not only does this make it financially sustainable, but it also creates a non-stigmatising, non-institutional setting for the homeless young people that will stay there. They need your support to make this happen. Please donate through this page: http://campaign.justgiving.com/charity/bathymca/ymcabristolIf you would like to discuss other ways of giving please get in touch with Ben Silvey at bensilvey@bristolymca.co.uk or 07881 244 953.

b.friend – befriending asylum seekers and refugees

Could someone in your faith community spare an hour and a half once a fortnight to befriend an isolated asylum seeker or refugee in Bristol? Sam Sayer, project manager for b.friend is looking for new volunteers who would like to befriend someone from another culture and show God’s love practically to those on the margins. Befriending will involve listening, helping with English and spending time enjoying Bristol together. More Information see: www.bridgesforcommunities.com  For more details and to book a place please contact Sam: sam@b-friend.org.uk/07759 293884.