Faith Walks – as part of Inter Faith Week 2016


Faith Walks – Thursday 17 November 2016

As part of Inter Faith Week 2016

These walks and visits were organised by Bristol Multi-Faith Forum and BCC Public Health, Inner City Health Improvement Team, as part of Inter Faith Week.

There were two guided faith trails. People were welcome to walk the whole trail or join at different locations. Refreshments were provided at some of the venues. The walks were linear so start and finish points were different.

2 trails! 6 places of worship! The idea was to alk, talk, visit, learn, connect!

Trail One: 9.30am to 12.15pm – Hindu Temple, (not accessible) Bahai Centre, (not accessible) Progressive Synagogue

Trail Two: 1.30pm to 4.15pm – St Marks Church, Central Mosque, Sikh Gurdwara (not accessible)

About 15 people took part, apart from the 3 guides. Feedback was very positive and 80% of people hadn’t been to the venues beofre (everyone actually except walk leaders).

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