Bristol Multi-Faith Forum Voice and Influence Engagement Worker

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum Voice and Influence Engagement Worker – Part time (16 hours)
Closing date: July 4, 2018
Closing time: 17:00 hrs
Salary: Based on SCP 23, the annual salary for a 16-hour week is £9,916.80

What is the Voice and Influence Partnership?
The Voice and Influence Partnership is a project designed to enable Bristol’s residents to share their views on local policies.
The Partnership is specifically funded to assist people who have one or more of the protected characteristics to have their say because often their voices are missed.
Aims of the post:
To support BMFF in its work to develop and deliver the aims and objectives of the Voice and Influence Partnership (VIP), supporting project activities, and working in close consultation with partners in the project.  To work to ensure membership and participation reflects the protected characteristics of the population of Bristol, and to support all actions to collect data on equalities and intersectionality.
Job Description
Application Form
Please return the application form to Bristol Multi Faith Forum:
Please find all the details, including an application form and job description here