Bristol Equality Charter

The Bristol Equality Charter was formally launched in 2018 November.

Individuals and any type of organisation can sign up to the principles of the Bristol Equality Charter. Signing the charter is a voluntary action to promote and work towards equality in Bristol. Organisations are free to set their specific priorities and goals for improvement.

Whilst there are already several more specific charters and manifestos in existence, the Bristol Equality Charter is unique to our city and addresses all aspects of equality in one document. The charter invites signatories to work together towards continuous improvement.

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum has been a core member of the Bristol Equality Charter working group since the beginning and is a ‘founder signatory’ of the charter.  We would encourage all faith communities and other organisations in Bristol to sign the Charter and to consider whether you can get involved with the ongoing Bristol Equality Network.  We anticipate only four meetings a year, so the commitment is not onerous, but it would be good for us to play our part in working out what it means to live and work in a way which truly respects everybody.  We believe the faith communities have something significant to offer our city in this area.

For more information about the Bristol Equality Charter and how to get involved please visit: or email or see our website: here