An Interfaith event to promote social harmony and community cohesion.

Bristol Multi Faith Forum organised ‘the South Glos Faith and Harmony Festival’ on Saturday, 11th of May 2024 at Holy Trinity Hall, Broad Croft, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 0BD in partnership with the South Gloucestershire Council, the NHS Blood and Transplant and the Southern Brooks Community Partnerships. The event promoted inter-faith social harmony, inter-cultural cohesion and community well-being. It brings people from all walks of life together in South Gloucestershire. Dr. Rajinder Singh, Transplant Surgeon delivered the presentation on the importance of Blood and Organ Donation among ethnic minorities. The event was well attended.
The Guests of Honour included the Chairman of the South Glos Council, the High Sheriff, various dignitaries, civic officials, religious and community leaders and artists. The programme consisted of inspiring talks from dignitaries, interactive sessions, cultural entertainment, refreshments and lunch (Samosa, Biriyani, Gulab Jamun, etc). We also raised awareness about sickle cell disease, blood donation and stem cell donation among communities at the event. All residents of South Gloucestershire were invited to attend.
All South Glos residents interested in attending were requested to register through the Eventbrite link: or email: with your name, address, faith community and your dietary choice before the 5th of May 2024. Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian lunch options were available. It has been a free event, but pre-registration was essential.
Let’s celebrate the day together.
Cllr Tom Aditya (Chairman)
Adv. Tripti Megeri (Secretary)
Update: 3rd May 2024: All the event tickets have already been pre-booked. Thank you very much for all your interest. Please come back for the next event. If you already have the tickets, see you on the 11th of May.