A Fun-Filled Virtual Science Workshop for school students is happening on Saturday, 13th March 2021 from 11 am to 12 pm (UK time) to celebrate British Science Week.
The popular ‘Fun Science team’ will be delivering this virtual workshop through Zoom. Fun Science team specialises in providing science-themed parties and workshops to children across the UK. This virtual science workshop will be an informative and entertaining experience for kids. Registration and participation in this virtual science workshop are free for all children. Please register your interest by providing your child’s name, and your contact details by email: info@bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk. (Information shall be stored confidentially). Certificates of participation will be given to all children who register. Please encourage the children to join in and make the best use of this opportunity. Please share this information with other children too.
Date and time: 13/03/2021, Saturday (11 AM -12 PM), UK time
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87464527163…
Meeting ID: 874 6452 7163
Passcode: 7dqLvC
List of items kids shall have to make the session more interactive and fun-filled: 1. Felt tip pens (any colours), 2. Kitchen roll/toilet roll (4 sheets), Scrap paper (any size), 3. Scissors, 4. Sticky tape, 5. Bowl of water (any size), 6. Straw, 7. Washing up liquid.
It’s not too late to register and be part of this. It’s free and it’s fun. Join in.
With warm regards,
Bristol Multi-Faith Forum,
Email: info@bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk
Bristol Multi-Faith Forum is an equality organization established in 2004 by the Bristol City Council for inter-faith and inter-cultural community cohesion and social harmony and to promote the health and well-being of the communities.