
Bristol is a diverse city, and a city with the fastest growing diversity in the country. One significant consequence of this is an equally diverse range of faiths. Currently represented on the faith forum are the following broad faith and belief traditions:

It can be very easy to assume that other people know about your own faith, and that they understand your traditions, beliefs and rituals, and also the way in which you interact as a person of faith with the world around you. However, this is not always the case and the misunderstandings and ignorance the results can interfere with building community cohesion and the general well-being of our civil society in the city.

To help address this problem, the forum is developing a range of material to help ‘myth bust’ or educate others about individual faiths. The links here will take you to some (still developing) material that may help you to begin thinking about these faiths. The material has been written by representatives of the particular faith. Please read and respond to what you read. The faith forum makes no claim to be the last word on any of the issues, ideas or examples contained in these articles. If you have something to offer, we would really like to hear about it: leave a comment!