Faith festivals in July

See here for a list of faith festivals for major religions in July 2015.

July 5th

Sikh – Birthday of Guru Hargobind (1595 – 1644) the sixth of the Sikh Gurus.


July 7th

Japanese – Tanabata – Star Festival – celebrating the time when the stars Vega and Altair meet across the Milky Way.


July 9th

Baha’i – Martyrdom of the Bab – this day, on which the Bab was executed in 1850, is kept with prayer.


July 13th

Muslim – Lailat-Ul Qadr – the twenty-seventh night of Ramadan commemorates the first revelation to the Prophet of the Qur’an, the holy words of Allah.


July 16th

Rastafarian – Ethiopian Constitution Day – commemorating the granting in 1931 of Ethiopia’s first constitution.


July 18th

Muslim – Eid-Ul-Fitr – a joyous festival marking the end of Ramadan. This festival begins with the sighting of the new moon. People rise early to bathe, put on new clothes and attend the mosque. There is sharing of meals later and the distributing of gifts.


July 23rd

Rastafarian – Birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie I – a holy day celebrating the day on which the Emperor was born.


July 23rd

Sikh – Birthday of Guru Har Krishen (1656 – 1664) the eighth of the Sikh Gurus.


July 25th

Christian – St James’ day – James, brother of John was one of the first to be called as a disciple by Jesus.


July 25th

Jewish – Tishah B’av – a solemn day of fasting and mourning, which commemorates the historical destruction of the First and Second Temples.


July 27th

Buddhist – Rains Retreat – Theravadin calendar – a three month retreat for monks and nuns giving an opportunity for reflection, self-examination, penitence and forgiveness.