Other useful contacts

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (S.A.R.I.)
P O Box 2454, Bristol BS2 2WX
Tel: 0117 9420060 ext 249 or Mobile: 07501722891
Fax: 0117 9420066
Email: asstdirector@sariweb.org.uk  or website on www.sariweb.org.uk

Bristol Hate Crime Services – Tel: 0800 171 2272 (to report incidents/seek advice)

Avon & Bristol Law Centre,
2 Moon Street, Stokes Croft, Bristol BS2 8QE
Tel: 0117 924 8662 Fax: 0117 924 8020

Bristol Women’s Voice
Tel: 07972 673782
Email: info@bristolwomensvoice.org.uk

Bristol Older People’s Forum
c/o Age UK Bristol
Canningford House, 38 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6BY
Telephone: 0117 927 9222
Email: bopfadmin@ageukbristol.org.uk

LGBT Bristol
The Create Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol, BS1 6XN
Tel: 0117 353 4621
Email: admin@lgbtbristol.org.uk

Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol, BS1 4GB
Tel: 0117 909 9949
Email: info@voscur.org

The Care Forum
The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ
Tel: 0117 965 4444
Email: admin@thecareforum.org.uk

43 Ducie Road, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX
Tel: 0117 9146671/ 9548885/ 9556971
Email: dhekbhal@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.dhekbhal.org.uk

Chinese Lantern Project

This is a free and confidential service

for the Chinese community in the South West region.

Their helpline number is 0808 802 0012 and it is open Monday

to Friday 10 am to 4 pm (except for bank holidays). Calls are free from

all UK landlines and UK mobile networks. For further information, please email helpline.bacwg@btconnect.com.