Latest e-bulletin: 21 June 2016

We publish regular e-bulletins – with information on events, resources and funding. Read our latest edition, published on Tuesday 21 May 2016. Please contact us with any news or information that you would like to have included in future editions. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in being added to our email list.

Send any event information to me at

Read the e-bulletin here

Walk Fest Faith Walk 2016

Walkers came from across Bristol to enjoy welcomes, talks, walks and visits to 6 different East Bristol based faith venues on Thursday 12th May. The walk was part of Bristol Walk Fest and organised by Bristol Multi Faith Forum and Bristol Inner City and East Health Improvement Team.
Feedback was overwhelming – “The most interesting walk yet!” said one woman whose aim was to attend a walk on every day of the festival from 1st to 31st May!
Faith leaders were wonderfully hospitable giving up their time to tell the fascinated group about their faith and their place of worship (many of the venues also went above and beyond proving delicious refreshments too!). Huge thanks to all involved.

The places visited were The Hindu Temple , Bristol Bahá’í Centre, The Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation, St. Mark’s Baptist Church, The Shah Jalal Mosque & Bristol Sikh Temple.

To see a gallery of photos of the day click here.

Latest e-bulletin – Tuesday 17 May

We publish regular e-bulletins – with information on events, resources and funding. Read our latest edition, published on Tuesday 17 May 2016. Please contact us with any news or information that you would like to have included in future editions. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in being added to our email list.

Send any event information to me at

Read the e-bulletin here