Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day 2022

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum (BMFF) is organising this year’s Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day on Sunday, the 8th of May 2022 from 9.30 am to 5 pm. This year’s Diverse Doors Open Day also commemorates the platinum jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne. Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day celebrates the religious diversity of Bristol, giving communities the chance to experience and learn each other’s cultures and beliefs; and offering the opportunity to visit a range of places of worship and discover many faith communities that exist in Bristol.

Faith Trail at the Hindu Temple

Over the years, many places of worship have opened their doors to the general public and to members of other faith communities as part of this event, which is unique to Bristol. All places of worship in Bristol are invited to participate in the Diverse Doors Open Day. Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant, the Lord Mayor, the Mayor, civic dignitaries, various community leaders, and people from different walks of life will be participating in the Diverse Doors Open Day programmes at different venues. BMFF always requests guests and community members to respect and follow the customs and practices of the visiting place of worship.

Faith Trail at the Greek Orthodox Church

The theme of this year’s Diverse Doors Open Day will be ‘Spirituality and Mental Wellbeing’, and the theme message will be delivered to various communities in collaboration with the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP). AWP is dedicated to connecting, helping, and supporting the mental health needs of the diverse communities in the region, and delivering high-quality care. Please feel free to be connected: AWP wishes to take away the stigma attached to mental health and care for the mental well-being of all. BMFF will also focus on world peace and efforts to support the distressed people affected by the war. 

Faith Trail at the Buddhist shrine

BMFF will arrange a scheduled tour providing minibus transport for people who have signed up for the tour in advance, for a small donation of £5. The Faith Trail will pass through a Buddhist shrine, a Greek Orthodox Church, an Evangelical Christian Church, a Muslim Mosque, a Sikh Gurudwara, a Jewish Synagogue, a Hindu Temple, and a Bahai Centre. Due to covid restrictions, seats are limited on the tour. Please email to book your seats in advance. We are planning to provide special care and provisions to elderly persons on the Multi-Faith Trail, as part of the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations.

Faith Trail at the Mosque

Diverse Doors Multi-Faith Trail will start at 9.30 am on Sunday, the 8th of May 2022 from the BMFF office at the Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Bristol (BS5 0AX), and will finish by 5 pm. We request all those who are interested, to join this year’s Diverse Doors Multi-Faith Trail.

Faith Trail at the sanctuary of the Jewish Synagogue

A group gathering of the Bristol Multi-Faith Forum led by Mayor Tom Aditya

Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day 2022 Leaflet Page 1 and 4
Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day 2022 Leaflet Page 2 and 3

BMFF joins Big Spring Clean Up

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum will be joining the Bradley Stoke community members under the leadership of Mayor Tom Aditya to clean up litter hotspots in Bradley Stoke on Sunday, the 13th of March 2022 from 10 am, starting from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 9BS.

The litter picking volunteer teams will cover different spots around Bradley Stoke, including Jubilee Centre, Bailey’s Court Activity Centre and Brook Way Activity Centre.  Let’s keep our neighbourhoods tidy, and let’s celebrate the springtime together, and reinforce our community commitment. Please come and join the ‘Big Clean’ litter picking session on Sunday.

2022 Science Week: Amusing Workshop

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum in association with the British Science Association is organising a Fun-Filled Virtual Science Workshop for school students on Saturday, 12th of March 2022 from 10.15 am to 11.30 am GMT.

The popular ‘Fun Science team’ will be delivering this interactive virtual workshop through Zoom virtual platform, to celebrate British Science Week. Fun Science team specialises in providing science-themed parties and workshops to children across the UK.

This virtual science workshop will be an informative and entertaining experience for kids. Registration and participation in this virtual science workshop are free for all children.

To register, just email with your child’s name, school year, and your contact details, and also subject reference: Virtual Science Workshop (Information will be stored confidentially). Certificates of participation will be given later to all children who register and attend the workshop.

Here is the list of items participants shall have to make the virtual workshop more interactive and fun-filled: 

  • A few leaves of red cabbage,
  • Cup of warm water x 2 Spoons,
  • at least 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice or apple juice,
  • at least 2 tablespoons of any alkaline (e.g. baking powder, bicarbonate of soda),
  • At least 2 tablespoons of oil,
  • Empty glass x 2,
  • Piece of scrap paper,
  • Scissors,
  • Paperclip x 3,
  • Plastic bottle,
  • Balloon,
  • A straw,
  • Sticky tape,
  • A piece of string (roughly 20 cm).

If you are using a mobile device to join this virtual Science Workshop, you will need to have downloaded the Zoom app from your usual app store.

  • Please join the virtual science workshop by 10.15 am. In case you have any technical difficulties, please email us.
  • Please enable your web-camera and microphone before the workshop begins.
  • Please enter the name of the participant and if there are more than one child, put names of those children.

Please click this link to take you to your virtual science workshop:

Fun Science’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 12, 2022 10:15 AM London
Zoom Meeting ID: 819 4121 2567
Passcode: G4Atw8

When you join the virtual workshop, you can use the chat function of the Zoom application to let the trainer know that you have joined. In the initial few minutes, please bear with us – the trainer may be assisting other participants who are experiencing technical difficulties. Please be assured that the trainer will be with you as soon as possible.

During the workshop:

  • Please ensure that the participant can be seen clearly on screen. Please don’t switch off your webcam.
  • Please make sure that there are no noise distractions in the background. If there are any noise distractions, please mute your speaker.
  • Please follow the trainer’s instructions to ensure best results of the workshop. You must give your full attention to the workshop at all times and not be distracted.

Definitely, it’s fun and it’s science. Let’s enjoy. Let’s make the best use of this exciting opportunity.

With warm regards,

Cllr Tom Aditya, Chairman

Adv. Tripti Megeri, Secretary

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum


NB: We may take a screenshot of the participants as a group (not individually) for our record to motivate others to join future science workshops. If you have any objections to your screenshot, please inform us.