The Inter Faith Network for the UK has been looking at how young people take part in inter faith activities, how important this is and how to encourage more young people to get involved. It’s been working on an updated youth inter-faith action guide, called Connect. It was launched at this year’s national meeting, entitled ‘Young people and interfaith engagement: making a difference together’. The meeting focused on young people’s engagement in activities which promote inter-faith cooperation and understanding. It was the culmination of a programme of work across 8 months looking at: different ways that young people are taking part in inter-faith activities; what the key questions and challenges are in developing this; ideas and perspectives of young people about inter-faith activity and how this contributes to a more harmonious and just world; new approaches that could be valuable; and what youth-related strand IFN should consider including in its 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. The meeting provided the occasion for the launch of the expanded and updated edition of IFN’s youth inter-faith action guide, Connect. This short, illustrated booklet was developed with extensive input from young people, as well as from organisations which run inter-faith initiatives with them. It is packed with practical information about different kinds of inter-faith activity, activity planning tips, examples of projects and programmes from around the UK, and quotes from young people. It also includes links to additional resources. You can see the booklet here.
One of our Steering Group members, Vice Chair of the Bristol Multi-Faith Forum, Councillor Tom Aditya, attended the event and his report can be found on our website here