
Latest e-bulletin – Tuesday 17 May

We publish regular e-bulletins – with information on events, resources and funding. Read our latest edition, published on Tuesday 17 May 2016. Please contact us with any news or information that you would like to have included in future editions. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in being added to our email list.

Send any event information to me at

Read the e-bulletin here

Inter Faith Network UK message in response to Brussels attacks

Dear IFN member bodies,

We have news of fresh appalling attacks in another European city: Brussels.

As an IFN Officers’ statement of last November, following the Paris attack, noted, terrorists have as their aim the creation of a climate of fear and uncertainty. Their victory begins the moment that people can no longer live in trust and with a sense of shared citizenship.

Following the Paris attacks of November, faith and inter faith groups stood in solidarity. The attacks in Brussels will also have a significance for our lives together here in the UK and we know that our member bodies and people of all faiths and none will be remembering in the coming days those murdered and otherwise affected by the attacks in Brussels and standing together against violence and division.

As we and our fellow officers said after the Paris attacks: “Terrorism has many faces. Sometimes it wears the mask of religion, claiming a justification in religious teaching for its acts.  This is rejected in the strongest terms by faith communities.”

Best wishes,

The Rt Revd Richard Atkinson OBE and Mr Vivian Wineman


The Inter Faith Network for the UK

Latest E-bulletin – Friday 18 March 2016

We publish regular e-bulletins – with information on events, resources and funding. Read our latest edition, published on Friday 18 March 2016. Please contact us with any news or information that you would like to have included in future editions. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in being added to our email list.

Send any event information to me at

Read the e-bulletin here