Bristol Multi-Faith Forum in collaboration with the British Science Association is organising a series of three science workshops for school students. The workshops will be facilitated by the Bristol University researchers team. Creating and increasing awareness about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) subjects among youths is the prime objective of this workshop series. Science helps to gain knowledge about the environment, health, and different aspects of life. Workshops will be creative, fun-filled, and interactive.
- Each workshop will handle a different topic. Refreshments will be provided. Free Entry for school students from the age of 5 to 15 years. A certificate of participation and a goodie bag will be given to participants who complete the workshop series.
Date and Time:
Sunday, 8th October 2023, 10.30 am-12 noon.
Saturday, 25th November 2023, 10.30 am-12 noon.
Sunday, 10th December 2023, 10.30 am-12 noon.
Bailey’s Court Activity Centre,
Bailey’s Court Road, Bradley Stoke
Bristol, BS32 8BH
Please note, registration is mandatory. To register, please email info@bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk with your child’s name, school year, and your contact details, and also subject reference: Science Workshop (Information will be stored confidentially).
Cllr Tom Aditya (Chairman)
Adv Tripti Megeri (Secretary)
Update 1 (3rd October 2023).
Admission to the science workshops is free, however, application for registration via email is mandatory to sort out entry to these workshops. Currently, we received an overwhelming number of applications and have closed applications for registrations. The seats have been allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. As of now, all the allocated seats are filled, along with a huge waiting list. So, please don’t turn up, without getting a confirmation email from the Bristol Multi Faith Forum office.
Our resources are limited to respond to each and every individual email application. We tried our level best to accommodate all those who have requested, however, we cannot provide spaces for all in this series. We will try to accommodate the rest of the children in our next workshop series.
Thank you all for your support, cooperation, and understanding.
Update 2 (8th October 2023)
The Science Workshops organised by the Bristol Multi-Faith Forum in collaboration with the British Science Association and the University of Bristol, became a big hit amongst school children. The first workshop held at Baileys Court Activity Centre, Bradley Stoke on 8th October 2023, was on how the brain works and how to deal with different levels of pressure called stress. Cllr Tom Aditya, Chairman of the Bristol Multi-Faith Forum, welcomed everyone and inaugurated the workshop. The workshop was led by brain researchers from the University of Bristol. Dr. Polly Barr, covered bilingualism and its positive improvisation on the brain, whilst Dr. Sean Froudist-Walsh enfolded how the brain works together to produce cognition and Dr Mizuki Morisaki unraveled how to reduce the risk of developing dementia and depression. The workshop was coordinated by Adv. Tripti Megeri, assisted by young volunteers: Albert, Adona, and Alphons. All participant students received a certificate of participation along with a small workbook and a miniature model of the brain. Organizers also arranged an assortment of refreshments for all participants. All the school students who attended the workshop expressed great joy and content being part of the workshop.
Update 3 (9th October 2023)
Organisers requested parents to turn up with children only after receiving a confirmation email from the BMFF office regarding their particular workshop and date, after sending their particular email application for admission.
Please look for future updates on this page and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BristolMultiFaithForum.

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum, 43 Ducie Road, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX
Email: info@bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk
Bristol Multi-Faith Forum is an equality organization established in 2004 by the Bristol City Council for inter-faith community cohesion and inter-cultural social harmony; and to promote the health and well-being of the communities.