Health Awareness Day 2014

Our third successful Health Awareness Day was held at The City Academy in Bristol, on Sunday 28th September. This year we had about 120 people attending, with over 120 children participating in the athletics activities. We will bring you more information in the near future, but we just wanted to share some photos and some initial thoughts with you. It was a free, fun, informative, interactive family event, that was open to all, with speakers, workshops, information stalls, children’s activities, henna, arts and crafts, raffle, performances, sports activities and food. It was an opportunity to learn about Health and Wellbeing, have free health checks, find out how to access health services and discover more about prevention. There was information on general health issues, as well as those that particularly impact on BME Communities and all activities aimed to respect diverse faiths and cultural sensitivities. The aim was to bring together a variety of Bristol’s health service providers as part of a fun and engaging event, to make them more accessible to the City’s diverse communities.

The day started with opening remarks from The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor Alistair Watson and Peaches Golding, former High Sheriff of Bristol. The Lord Mayor talked about the importance of bringing diverse communities together to raise awareness of health issues and ensure all communities access health services. Peaches Golding talked about ‘three responsibilities’; to look after ourselves and find out all the information we can about good health; to our communities – family, faith community, neighbours – to share what we learn and help others to be healthy, and the third is to sustainability and the creating of healthy communities and spaces.

Many thanks to our partners TravelWest, Rethink, Inner City Health Improvement Team and Avon Indian Community Association. Also thanks to the City Academy for the great venue and all those who helped out.

See our selection of photos taken on the day here.

July 2014 News Magazine

Our latest news magazine is available to read online or to download. It contains articles on all our latest projects. In this month’s edition there are articles on the Blood and Organ Donation Campaign, Diverse Doors Walk, a Sikh community parade, a write-up of our successful Peace Event with CND veteran Bruce Kent and an article on prostate cancer. If you would like to submit an article for consideration for future editions, then please contact us at or 07834812663 (mobile).

Please click here.

The Blood and Organ Donation Campaign Legacy

The Lord Mayor for Bristol (2013 – 2014) Cllr Faruk Choudhury selected the Blood and Organ Donation Campaign as his special project for his year of office. In particular, the Lord Mayor’s aim was to raise awareness and increase blood and transplant donation in Bristol with a particular focus on those groups who are under-represented in the donation service, and whose community members have to wait longer for transplants.

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum has supported the Campaign since its launch in 2013.

On 4th June 2014 a partnership agreement was signed between Bristol City Council and NHS Blood and Transplant. This is the legacy of the campaign – a formal agreement to continue with this vital work.

To read a copy of the Campaign Report click here.

To see a photo gallery of the signing of the partnership agreement on 4th June click here.