Faith Watch

Faith Watch can help you: it is based on the idea that formed Neighbourhood Watch and is an opportunity for faith communities in Bristol to work together to communicate any concerns. Faith watch is coordinated and supported by Avon and Somerset Police.

Neighbourhood watch began back in 1982 and is based in a street or number of streets. Faith communities are often dotted across the city.

Faith watch aims:

  • To reduce crime and the opportunities for crime
  • To help and reassure the community
  • To encourage neighbourliness and closer communities
  • To communicate with members fo faith watch, making them aware of any incidents that may affect them.

As part of a Faith Watch group you will find there is a heightened awareness of what is going on in and around your area. Messages are forwarded to watch volunteers to inform them of crime trends, provide public information and to offer crime reduction advice

The elderly and most vulnerable members of the community feel more secure.

A community spirit grows within the area.

Police Community Support Officers and Beat Managers working with faith groups build a closer relationship.

To find out more, please contact Cliff Spence, Diversity Officer at Avon and Somerset Police (0117 9529720)